Saturday, November 10, 2012


I know my most recent hair length check LOOKS like I'm APL but I'm not lol. My length is actually just ABOVE my shoulder blades...still making progress tho.

Decided to make a new moisturizer because I didn't like how 'wet' the aloe vera moisturizing formula on K.I.S.S. made my hair hair was always soaked, damp at the very least smh. Plus it was hard 4 me to apply...was using the spray bottle recommended method, spraying my hair also made my neck and shoulders wet because this formula consists of ONLY liquid (aloe vera juice, rose water, and water). I did like the moisturizing effect. Decided to add a thicker substance to the mix, mainly to stop the 'drip' effect.

My Moisturizing Spritz:
- aloe vera juice
- rose water
- S-Curl moisturizer

I just applied it for the first time. So far so good :). No dripping on my clothes or shoulders and my hair doesn't feel 'wet' at all, just moisturized. I still used a spray bottle and applied in 4 sections, separating each of the four sections into individual sections to make sure each strand was receiving moisture. I sealed in the moisture w/ my coconut oil, using a lot less than normal and twisted strands into two sections, pinning the ends up. Hope this works. I'm not seeing any breakage but at the same time I'm definitely not seeing the amount of progress I expected at this point in my journey. I'm still noticing damaged areas (frizzy areas that don't retain moisture as easily) and shedding but absolutely no breakage...seems my hair has hit a plateau. My shedding seems to have minimized, I noticed this when I detangled. I've done a lot if research on possible causes of shedding but I don't remember a cause related to hair dampness...this is something I'm going to continue to monitor.

Still learning how to grooooow! :)

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