Monday, November 12, 2012


Had a good long conversation with my aunt yesterday and one of the topics was my real hair texture and color. She used the words "mousey" to describe my hair...didn't really understand at first. Was she talking about my texture or color? lol Either way it made me laugh. Turns out she was talking about my natural hair color which is a dull, kinda ash brown UGH! One thing I always wondered was if my hair had always been on the thin side?? Between me and my sister, I was never the one known for having thick hair. If I had to put my hair in a category I'd say it was thin/normal thickness. According to my aunt I never really had thin hair but it wasn't as thick as my sister's.

This made me curious and I started second guessing my decision to continue relaxing my hair. And I made a couple of new decisions:

1. Stretching current relaxer for a
minimal of 6 months
2. Sticking with light protein treat-
ments 1x/week with heat
3. Applying JBCO to scalp in sections
every other day
4. DC'ing with EVOO and honey with
heat once/week and with steam/
5. Prepooing with JB Red Pimento
Oil on scalp and Burt's Bees
Avocado Pre-Shampoo Treatment
to length of hair and coat hair with
coconut oil
6. Blow drying with cool hair only
without comb attachment
7. Cowashing once/week
8. Wash after prepoo
9. Baggy hair and ends twice/week

Hope I'm not forgetting anything. One thing for sure...I need to research ways to deal with all that new growth in going to have lol!

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