Sunday, May 18, 2014

Wash Day - 18 May 14

I'm really not happy with the way my hair feels lately.  It might have something to do with the products I have been using lately but I'm leaning more towards the lack of TLC: lack of patience when detangling, not DC'ing twice a week, failing to moisturize my new growth and neglecting to trim my ends.  I haven't had a lot of time to devote to my hair and it really doesn't help that at almost 16 weeks post relaxer it takes A LOT of maintenance to keep my hair looking/feeling right. I recently made the decision to long-term transition to natural, and my hair is definitely feeling the pain from my inexperience.  Luckily my schedule is lightening up a little which should free up a little more time for my hair.  A couple things I've noticed:

[1] No matter how I use the Kozama Califia Moisturizing Spray, my hair just doesn't like it. I tried it as part of my L.C.O. method, a detangler and as a moisturizer with the same results: dry, stringly hair.  I'm giving up on this for my hair, might decide to sell it ir give it away.

[2] Still trying to find a use for my Hairitage Hydration Hemp Nostalgia.  I was mainly trying to use it with my L.C.O. method but it made my hair feel weird and a little dry but oily.  Leaving this on the shelf for now...

[3] Finally figured out the best way for me to use SDVS: I t-shirt dry my already sectioned hair to about 50%.  This works for me because I always have badly tangled hair no matter what I do so leaving my hair sectioned allows me room to apply the DC to my new growth on my entire head.  

[4] Actively using the SD and my hair loves it as a co-wash or rinse out conditioner.  It always leaves my hair so soft and if I apply it in smaller sections I'm able to detangle (finally!) in the shower.  It really helps to detangle when using a rinse out conditioner.  I still haven't used it as a DC yet, but I might do that soon.

Today is my wash day,  Below is what I did: 

[1] Pre-poo'd with HairVeda Vatika Frosting and vitamin E oil on NG and grapeseed oil on my ends overnight in 6 sections (the back sections have the most sections so usually divide the back into 4 sections)
[2] Shampooed with CON Argan Oil Moisture & Shine Shampoo in 6 sections and lightly finger detangled under running water
[3] Applied Roux PC (new formula) for 30 seconds to each section
[4] T-shirt dried for about 10 minutes to get rid of the excess water
[5] DC'd with SDVS with steam, no conditioning cap for 30 mintues and left it in for an additional 2 hours out of pure laziness lol
[6] Rinsed out DC with warm water
[7] Clear rinsed with Adore Clear Rinse and left on for 10 minutes
[8] Rinsed with warm water while finger detangling
[9] T-shirt dried for 30 minutes
[10] Per section: Applied Marshmallow Root Detangler ( lightly finger detangled, applied leave-ins: Aphogee Keratin & Green Tea Reconstructor and Darcy's LTC, detangled and blow dried using the tension method
[11] Tied down hair with silk scarf

Results: As I rinsed out my DC I could tell I was going to have a bunch of tangles, but SDVS never helps with my detangling so I'm not surprised.  I thought applying the clear rinse was going to be a lot easier but at least it isn't runny so I'm not complaining. I didn't see any improvement before or after using the clear rinse but I'm sure I did something wrong lol I always do.  Any way, my hair ended up hard to detangle, even with my fingers smh bout ready to give up but I'm going to keep with it.  There's a plus NG is sooo moisturized, I've never felt it like that :) so it looks like I did SOMETHING right lol. 

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