It's 11:04 PM and I'm beyond tired but I can't slack...too many goals lol. I recently joined a deep conditioning journey and I have to admit...IT'S BEEN HARD!!!! lol By the time I finally make it home and eat I'm usually way too tired to have the slightest desire to mess with this hair but I've been consistent :). The goal is at least two co-washes, two DC's and one wash per week with a prepoo. I can't hair is definitely thanking me for it! Since I started the challenge I've changed a few things:
- upped my protein in-take to once/wk with Aphogee 2-Min Reconstructor only on wash days
- added Roux Porosity Control Conditioner and garlic to my DC
- started doing ACV rinses religiously on wash days
- added Omega-3 to my list of supplements
- stopped wearing tight buns and only styling hair in flat twists
- stopped DRENCHING my hair with moisturizer
- started using Cantu Shea Butter Leave-In Repair Conditioning Repair Cream and Elasta QP
H-Two Leave-In as my leave-ins
- reduced direct heat to once/month (blow dryer on cool air)
- starting heating my coconut oil for easier application
- using a big rake comb for every day detangling
Since the changes to my regimen I've noticed:
- my hair is a little stronger
- the shedding has considerably slowed down
- retains moisture longer (probably also due to flat twists)
- hair is softer
- MINIMAL breakage (1-3 short hairs)
- edges are growing back stronger
- using less oil and hair doesn't have a greasy feel
I guess a little TLC is what my hair actually needed. I recently attempted a texlax and my hair turned out VERY underprocessed, definitely not what I wanted...considering I have a whole five months until the next relaxer :(...learning experience. I am seriously considering getting my hair professionally relaxed next time (bringing my own relaxer with oil added lol). I still have a lot of new growth in a lot of areas but co-washing and DC'ing are helping. I'm still missing my neat, tight bun but that's the price I'll pay for beautiful HEALTHY hair :).
- co-washed with Tressemme Naturals Conditioner
- detangled in shower
- DC'd with Silk Elements Moisturizing Treatment, AtOne Bontanicals Reconstructor Conditioner,
vegetable glycerin, Roux Porosity Control Conditioner, garlic and EVOO in sections with steam
- ACV rinse
- applied Cantu Shea Butter Leave-In Repair Conditioning Repair Cream and Elasta QP H-Two
- air dryed
- moisturized in sections with moisturizing mix (S-Curl No-Drip, vegetable glycerin and aloe vera
- sealed with coconut oil
- style in two flat twists
HHJ ladies!!!!!
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