Hmmmmmmm seriously it time for a professional trim? Yesterday I decided to take a break from the two-strand twist, mainly because the new growth while in uniform was not a good look lol. Don't get wrong, I definitely LOVE the texture of my new growth but the protective style just made me look 'homely' lmao! So after co-washing I decided to do a length check. This of course involved actually straightening my hair, I opted for a light pressing, using a heat protectant of course :). This was my first use of heat in about 2 months, I blow dried on cool setting and pressed. I didn't loose any hair and my shedding remained minimal, probably due to my change in moisturizing and sealing technique. I noticed my hair was uneven, I know I'm in need of a professional trim, I am sooooooo cared to let someone near my delicate tresses lol. I decided a while back that I would get my next relaxer done by a professional so I guess I'll let them trim a half inch off too smh.
Next relaxer: July/Aug '13 (@ 5 months post)
Current: 7 weeks post relaxer
Below are pictures of my growth since Oct/Nov '12 - Apr '13
Personal documentation of my hair journey, mistakes and progress made while attempting to reach my personal hair goals.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Sunday, April 7, 2013
07 Apr 13 DC'ing & Protein Treatment
Still extra busy...but still finding time to take care of my hair :). I'm finding it a little more easy to stick with my regimen, maybe the positive results I've been getting is pushing me a little lol I don't know. Yesterday I prepoo'd overnight with a mixture of Burt's Bees Super Shiny Grapefruit & Sugar Beet Conditioner (trying to use up the three bottles I bought), coconut oil, EVOO and macadamia oil. I was so tired that I didn't get up to finish until the next morning...
Today's Routine:
- washed w/ Aubrey's GPB Balancing Shampoo (kinda made my hair a little hard so I went back
to my Kenra Moisturizing Shampoo that I added garlic to)
- light protein treatment w/ Joico Intense Hydrator Treatment for 3 mins
- DC'd w/ mixture of Keracare Humecto Conditioner, AtOne Botanical Reconstructor, Roux
Porosity Control Conditioner, honey, vegetable glycerin and oils (coconut, EVOO, macadamia,
avocado) w/ heat for 45 mins
- ACV rinse then rinsed for 3-5 mins
- applied leave-in (Cantu Shea Butter Leave-In Conditioning Hair Repair Cream)
- air dry
- M & S (using moisturizing mix and coconut oil)
- 2-strand flat twists
While washing I noticed a lot of shedding, not sure why. When I prepoo next week I'm only leaving it in for 3 hours tops lol. I've noticed that my hair retains moisture way better when I wear flat twists instead of buns!!!! :) It has also reduced my daily shedding and I see no breakage! It might not look cute lol but it's keeping my hair healthy. My edges are growing back...left side is almost all the way repaired but the right side seems to be taking its sweet time. Also, since I'm not wearing buns it has cut down on the amount of time I have to spend doing my hair, I don't have to worry about getting it straight :) I just air dry and go!
I really need to do a length check but I really don't want to risk any damage by straightening my hair. It's been a month since my last check and that check wasn't really a TRUE check...I texlaxed my hair so it wasn't as straight as it should have been. I guess I'll do that my next will count as my one heat pass :).
Forgot to mention...I'm using wild growth oil on my scalp daily with no noticeable increase in growth. I think I'll start adding a little more JBCO to the mix to help stimulate more growth.
Today's Routine:
- washed w/ Aubrey's GPB Balancing Shampoo (kinda made my hair a little hard so I went back
to my Kenra Moisturizing Shampoo that I added garlic to)
- light protein treatment w/ Joico Intense Hydrator Treatment for 3 mins
- DC'd w/ mixture of Keracare Humecto Conditioner, AtOne Botanical Reconstructor, Roux
Porosity Control Conditioner, honey, vegetable glycerin and oils (coconut, EVOO, macadamia,
avocado) w/ heat for 45 mins
- ACV rinse then rinsed for 3-5 mins
- applied leave-in (Cantu Shea Butter Leave-In Conditioning Hair Repair Cream)
- air dry
- M & S (using moisturizing mix and coconut oil)
- 2-strand flat twists
While washing I noticed a lot of shedding, not sure why. When I prepoo next week I'm only leaving it in for 3 hours tops lol. I've noticed that my hair retains moisture way better when I wear flat twists instead of buns!!!! :) It has also reduced my daily shedding and I see no breakage! It might not look cute lol but it's keeping my hair healthy. My edges are growing back...left side is almost all the way repaired but the right side seems to be taking its sweet time. Also, since I'm not wearing buns it has cut down on the amount of time I have to spend doing my hair, I don't have to worry about getting it straight :) I just air dry and go!
I really need to do a length check but I really don't want to risk any damage by straightening my hair. It's been a month since my last check and that check wasn't really a TRUE check...I texlaxed my hair so it wasn't as straight as it should have been. I guess I'll do that my next will count as my one heat pass :).
Forgot to mention...I'm using wild growth oil on my scalp daily with no noticeable increase in growth. I think I'll start adding a little more JBCO to the mix to help stimulate more growth.
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